Cool Down your pillow, chair, office with the Cool Flash Pad
Relieve migraines, hot flashes, and sleepless nights with the Cool Flash ™Pad ! Does your pillow trap heat on your face? Does this heat make you uncomfortable, and prevent you from getting your best and deepest sleep?
The Cool Flash™ Pad is designed to keep your pillow cool - like an oasis for your pillow: cool, soothing, and relaxing. This added comfort increases your chances for better, more restful sleep. The cool pad is a steady, lasting, and super comforting sensation which doesn’t blow air, make noise, or cost money to run. You can sleep coolly and save the environment at the same time.
Once you have felt the cooling sensation of the Cool Flash™ Pad you can never go back! The soothing and relaxing effects of the Cool Flash™ Pad will give you super sleep night after night- you’re never too hot, you’re never too’re always perfectly comfortable! The cool flash pad lasts 2-3 hours but you can supercharge it by putting it in the refrigerator and it will last 3-4 hrs. Or get two pads so you can rotate them out when you sleep and always have a cool pillow.
The Cool Flash ™Pad is a thin, very soft, medical-grade, non-electric thermo regulating device. If you "flip" your pillow looking for the "cool spot", you’ve been searching for the Cool Flash™ Pad all your life! The Cool Flash ™Pad has many different uses. It has a tremendously comforting, relaxing, and soothing sensation, enjoyable in so many situations- from headaches to hot flashes to hot tired feet, to injury treatments and sunburns, it's great for all!
Here's How it Works:
It’s pressure-activated, so it cools when you lay on it. Roll off of the pillow or pad and it reactivates. The gel inside the pad absorbs excess heat and move the warmth away from the head and neck until the pillow eventually reaches the ambient temperature. As you shift positions naturally while you sleep, the vacated area of the pillow recovers its cooling properties. It's cooling is effective under any pillowcase.
Re-charges Automatically
Lasts for years
Helps prevent over heating
Folds Easily
Sturdy construction
Measures 11.8 x 15.7 - approx. 1/4 inch thick.
Wipes Clean
Safe for People Pets Planet
30- Day Return Policy
Perfect For Cars
How the Cool Flash ™Pad Helps:
FEVERS - As a person's temperature increases, there is, in general, a feeling of cold despite an increasing body temperature. Once the new temperature is reached, there is a feeling of warmth. A fever can be caused by many different conditions ranging from benign to potentially serious. With very high temperatures, The Cool Flash Pad can help reduce fever can be effective at lowering ones temperature, which may improve the affected person's comfort.
MIGRAINES - Fluctuating hormone levels indicate a migraine relation: 75 percent of adult patients are women, although migraine affects approximately equal numbers of prepubescent boys and girls. Propensity to migraine headache sometimes disappears during pregnancy, but in some women migraines may become more frequent. The pain of migraine is invariably accompanied by other features. Many patients experience sensory hyperexcitability manifested by photophobia, phonophobia, and osmophobia and seek a dark and quiet room. Blurred vision, or sweating may be noted during the headache phase. The Cool Flash Pad may offer relief from some symptoms.
NIGHT SWEATS - Night Sweats are essentially hot flashes that occur while you are sleeping. They can ruin your sleep and the sleep of your partner, making you both tired, irritable and groggy. As with daytime hot flashes, reduced estrogen levels fool the brain into thinking the body temperature is too high. That’s when night sweats kick in, as the body attempts to cool itself down. When night sweats are particularly severe, you might wake to find your skin is feeling cold and clammy from sweat, and your pajamas or sheets are soaked through. The Cool Flash Pad can help cool your body to help prevent night sweats
HOT FLASHES - Severe hot flashes can make it difficult to get a full night's sleep (often characterized as insomnia), which in turn can affect mood, impair concentration, and cause other physical problems. When hot flashes occur at night, they are called "night sweats." As estrogen is typically lowest at night, some women get night sweats without having any hot flashes during the daytime.
Hot Flashes may be repeated a few times each week or constantly throughout the day, with the frequency reducing over time. Hot flashes may begin to appear several years before menopause starts and last for years afterwards. Some women undergoing menopause never have hot flashes. Others have mild or infrequent flashes. The worst sufferers experience dozens of hot flashes each day. In addition, hot flashes are often more frequent and more intense during hot weather or in an overheated room, the surrounding heat apparently making the hot flashes themselves both more probable and more severe.
RADIATION THERAPY - Radiation Therapy is in itself painless. Many low-dose palliative treatments cause minimal to no side effects, although short-term pain flare ups can be experienced in the days following treatment due to edema compressing nerves in the treated area. Treatment of higher doses causes varying side effects, in the months or years following treatment, or after re-treatment. The nature, severity, and longevity of side effects depends on the organs that receive the radiation, the treatment itself, and the patient.
Most side effects are predictable and expected. Side effects from radiation are usually limited to the area of the patient's body that is under treatment The main side effects reported are fatigue and skin irritation, like a mild to moderate sun burn. The fatigue often sets in during the middle of a course of treatment and can last for weeks after treatment ends. The Cool Flash Pad may offer some relief to the affected areas that have over heated
MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS) - In Multiple Sclerosis, nerve fibers become demyelinated which leads to pain and discomfort when temperatures are elevated. Nerve fibers may also be remyelinating or in the process of repairing themselves and still be sensitive to elevated temperatures. The Cool Flash Pad keeps the patients temperature down, therefore reducing the pain symptoms.
HEAT STROKE - Treatment involves rapid mechanical cooling along with standard resuscitation measures. The body temperature must be lowered immediately. The patient should be moved to a cool area (indoors, or at least in the shade) and clothing removed to promote heat loss.
Active cooling methods may be used: The person is bathed in cool water or The Cool Flash Pad can be applied. However, wrapping the patient in wet towels or clothes can actually act as insulation and increase the body temperature. Applying The Cool Flash Pad to the torso, head, neck, and groin will help cool the patient.
DIABETES - Summer can be uncomfortable for anyone. But for people with diabetes, the heat and humidity can be particularly hazardous. One of the complications of diabetes, both Type 1 and Type 2, is an impaired ability to adjust to rises in temperature, which can cause dangerous increases in body temperature during the summer.
The underlying problem, nerve damage, occurs in 60 to 70 percent of diabetics; it can affect nearly every organ in the body, including sweat glands. When nerve damage keeps the sweat glands from working properly, the body fails to cool down as the mercury rises.
The Cool Flash Pad may be of assistance in cooling down the body rapidly should a diabetic be suffering in the heat.
The Cool Flash Pad ™ pillow or pad size works great wherever you need to cool down. Add it to your chair, or apply it to any area of your body you need to cool down. It's pressure-activated so you need to press down or lie on the pad to activate it's instant cooling effect.
The Cool Flash Pad ™ should last up to 3 hours. It automatically reactivates with no water, refrigeration or electricty !
To reactivate the cooling pad, simply remove from pressure and let it sit in a cool place for approximately 30 minutes.
Save the planet and reduce air conditioners and fan costs. The Cool Flash Pad ™ can provide effective relief from heat.
No Water ! No Electricity! No Refrigeration ! No Batteries!
Safe for all ages
Environmentally friendly
Cool Care Technologies Cool Flash Pillow Pad